Road Closure Information for Local Residents
This page aims to provide local Marden residents with detailed information about the Russet Runners Marden 10k road race, which will take place on Sunday 2nd June 2024.
This event is a Run Britain and England Athletics affiliated event, and as such must comply with extensive health and safety protocols both with regards to welfare of participants, but also arrangements for safe use of the highway. The route has been devised in conjunction with Run Britain, in consultation with Kent County Council's Traffic Management department.
In order for us to hold a safe event, the first 3km of the running route will be CLOSED to car traffic. This will be done using what is known as a 'Temporary Obstruction Notice'. This is different from a formal road closure, in that the affected sections of road may be closed for a maximum of 15 minutes.
We fully appreciate the impact that even a short road closure can have on your day, and we have therefore done everything in our power to reduce the potential inconvenience to local residents.
We would highly encourage you to take to the pavement to cheer on our wonderful participants!
Map of Road Closures
The above map details the sections of the running route which will be temporarily closed to traffic. Maximum 15 minute temporary obstruction notices will be in place on the following rolling basis:
Section A to B - BOTH directions
Marden Sports Club to junction of Unicorn Pub/Marden Farm Shop
closed from 0927 until 0935 (latest)
Section B to C - BOTH directions
Junction of Unicorn Pub/Marden Farm Shop to junction of Thorn Road/Copper Lane
closed from 0927 until 0942 (latest)
Section C to D - BOTH directions
Full length of Copper Lane
closed 0933 until 0948 (latest)
Point D
Howland Road (junction with Copper Lane)
closed westbound and eastbound 0935 until 0950 (latest)
Volunteer event marshals will be stationed at each point (A to D). We kindly ask that you please comply with their instructions, and do not attempt to pass the temporary obstruction unless in the case of a genuine medical emergency. All blue light emergency vehicles will be able to pass freely.